Please plan to join us for the

67th Annual Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale

"World Relief in the Name of Christ"

March 14 & 15, 2025

Interstate Center

Bloomington, Illinois


Schedule of Events

Friday, March 14:

5:00pm: Doors Open

6:00pm - 8:30pm: Trivia Night; Select Food/Beverage Booths Open

Saturday, March 15:

6:00am - 11:00am: Pancakes and Sausage Breakfast

7:00am: Dutch Market & Meat Market Open

7:00am: Booths Open for Business

8:30am: Grand Auction begins

9:00am - 9:45am: Auction of quilts and wall hangings

10:15am: Children's Auction

11:00am: Ribeye Sandwiches, Butterfly Porkchop
Sandwiches, Hot Dogs available

11:00am - 11:45am: Auction of quilts continued

Noon: Prayer, Remarks, and MCC Update

1:00pm: Final Auction of Quilts and all remaining items

Interested in financially supporting the Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale?

Consider donating directly to the Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale safely and securely with PayPal.

Our Story

Each year, over 1,500 volunteers share their time, funds, and talent to promote and assist the Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale for the purpose of providing relief for those in need at home and abroad. The Sale includes a grand auction, fish and chicken dinner, pancake and sausage breakfast, a dutch market and butcher shoppe, booths selling flowers and handmade goods from around the world, lunch stands, and more.

20% of the Illinois MCC Relief Sale net income will be used locally by grassroots volunteers to provide food for those in need in Central Illinois.
80% of the net proceeds from the Sale are channeled through Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), an international relief and service agency located in Akron, Pennsylvania. Mennonite Central Committee, a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all by responding to basic human needs and by working for peace and justice. MCC began in 1920 in Russian and Ukrainian villages needing assistance. Today MCC celebrates over 95 years of serving the needy in the name of Christ.

Presently, MCC has over 1,000 workers volunteering in 54 countries of the world. MCC is a hands-on, concrete ministry that addresses basic human needs such as water, food, and shelter; it works with churches and communities in a variety of efforts to serve the less fortunate and to build peace.

Learn more about MCC and how they carry out their mission of “relief, development and peace in the name of Christ.”